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Horizontal Balers

A comprehensive range of fully automatic and semi-automatic operated horizontal balers, designed and manufactured by Sacria Industries, our European partner.

Horizontal balers are ideal for medium to larger sizes of businesses producing high volumes of waste and recyclable materials.

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The Saphir 450 has a large feed opening (1400x1000mm) to suit larger material and is capable of producing bales of between 400 and 600kg, depending on the volume and type of material to be baled and will process up to 2.5 tonnes per hour.


The Horizontal Baler Saphir 450 is a fully automatic horizontal baler, suitable and popular across many industries and can deliver outstanding results for your business.

The automatic operation of these balers substantially reduces required labour for processing of materials and with the vertical wire tie setup, enables you to keep the footprint compact. This enables you to install the baler in tight locations and close proximity to where material is generated inside your facility. This creates great opportunities for reducing time and handling moving materials through your facility.

The loading setup and configuration options are numerous which provides opportunities to process just about any type of product in just about any environment.

  • Automatic operation
  • Space saving vertical wire tie system
  • Horizontal wire tie system option
  • Large hopper and opening
  • Variable bale length to suit your requirements
  • High compaction force producing a dense bale
  • Easy to use controls,
  • Easy access for wire replacement
  • Easily processes a range of materials, including: cardboard, paper, trim, paper offcuts and plastic film
  • Suits a range of different Industries, including: Industry, Manufacturing, Print, Retail
  • Ideal for processing recyclable volumes and fed continuously by either: hand, bin lifter, conveyor or air conveying and separation systems.

Horizontal Baler Saphir 450


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