Our high quality baler strapping is designed to work effectively with all leading brands of balers, providing trouble free operations and securing bales effectively for storage, handling and transportation to Recycling Facilities.
Showing all 3 resultsSorted by latest
9 mm Baler Strapping
$445.00Each carton contains 8 rolls that are each 500 metres in length. The 9 mm baler strapping is matched to suit use with the SAM 5046 and SAM 7555 vertical balers manufactured by Sacria Industries or equivalent models.
13 mm Baler Strapping
$335.00Each carton contains 8 rolls that are each 250 metres in length. The 13 mm baler strapping is matched to suit use with the SAM 100 , 150, 300 and 302 vertical balers manufactured by Sacria Industries or equivalent models.
16 mm Baler Strapping
$399.00Each carton contains 8 rolls that are each 350 metres in length. The 16 mm baler strapping is matched to suit use with the SAM 400, SAM 500 and SAM 502 series of vertical balers manufactured by Sacria Industries or equivalent models.
Whether you’re trying our products for the first time or placing a regular order for consumables, rest assured that each item is chosen for quality, and is designed to make it easier and more cost-effective for your business to recycle effectively.
Durogreen is proud of its role in helping businesses to save money through their recycling and waste management, and to become more environmentally friendly.
If you don’t see the product you are looking for, or if you need help or support in managing your waste, please get in touch.
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