Durogreen delivers turn-key comprehensive Recycling and Waste Management Solutions for businesses.
We work with businesses of all sizes and complexities looking for a fresh approach, as well as with waste and recycling companies looking to enhance services for existing customers and seeking solutions for new business.
In addition to advising on and supplying a large range of equipment and consumables, we offer a consultancy service to our clients, and work to identify opportunities for businesses to introduce new ways to manage waste and recycling more effectively.
By following our recommendations, based on leading European recycling processes, you can reduce costs associated with waste disposal and recycling collection, improve efficiency and productivity and enhance the environmental performance of your business through the introduction of exciting recycling initiatives.
Businesses working with Durogreen benefit from the following:
- Review of your existing waste management and recycling equipment, systems and processes.
Review of your applicable financial costs, rebates and cost implications, including labour, collection, disposal, equipment rental, maintenance costs, and any applicable rebates.
- Review of waste and recycling volumes and forecast for the future.
- Review of existing site signage, training and staff education.
We will work with you to develop solutions that offer reduced waste volumes, a higher percentage of recyclable waste recovered, reduced costs in all areas and increased rebates for recyclable materials.
Our product range includes high quality equipment including from leading European manufacturers, including vertical and horizontal, automatic or semi-automatic baling presses, compactors and various onsite collection equipment, consumables and highly visual standardised industry recycling signage enabling optimised recycling and waste recovery.
Our tailored solutions focus on streamlining processes, reducing costs, improving productivity and increasing rebates for recyclable materials, whilst improving environmental performance.
We are able to supply our innovative range of equipment (sales and rental), consumables and also our ongoing service and support in each Australian State and Territory. Therefore if you require any assistance or support or would like to discuss options in more detail, then simply contact us on 1300 001 295.
In addition to assisting you to review existing systems, developing and implementing new and enhanced equipment and service solutions, we can also work with you design and deliver onsite signage, training and education programs to maximise site performance.
We are also available to assist in an ongoing support capacity to ensure you continue to achieve desired results and tackle some of those projects, where available resources maybe a challenge to progress.
In our experience waste and recycling is often an area that does not always get the right attention and as a result this leads to excess waste going to landfill at a significantly higher cost, versus being diverted to recycling often despite alternate systems being available.
What are the primary reasons for this?
The two reasons that account for 95% of responses are:
- There is a lack of site signage, letting employees know what to do, therefore they don’t always do the right thing.
- There is often little or no information provided in site induction and training programs, relating to onsite recycling and waste management programs.
To make it easy for all businesses across Australia, we want to assist. We committed to and created a unique online Recycling Signage Shop that are standardised and colour coded, making it easy and cost effective to create a highly visual impact on your site that will achieve great results.
Additionally, we want to help you to develop a simple induction and training materials, to further ensure we achieve the results that we all want to achieve.
Lastly, if you want a hand to review your site waste and recycling equipment and service solutions, determine if there are better ways to improve outcomes and a hand to make change possible, then please get in contact and we will endeavour to assist you in your pursuits.
To arrange your free initial consultation and take the first step towards improving the way your business manages waste, get in touch today.