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About Us


Durogreen is a leading recycling and waste management equipment and service solution specialist in Australia.

With nearly 30 years of extensive industry experience, we are able to assist businesses across all industries, regardless of the type, size and complexity to improve the way they manage their waste and recycling.

We aim to be different from most, as we offer a comprehensive and independent service to businesses, reviewing their current processes and offering long-term solutions and support to cut costs and boost productivity, employee engagement and environmental credentials.


Leading Industry Experts

Our team are experienced experts in waste management and recycling.

We take the time to get to know you and your business, and identify realistic and achievable solutions you can easily implement.

We’ll show you how you can recycle more of your waste materials, cut your costs while boosting your rebates for recyclable materials, and make some great changes for your business and for the environment.


Complete Consultancy Service

We recommend and supply high quality equipment by some of the world’s leading manufacturers, but our services go far beyond simply selling a machine.

Our priority is to educate and inform business owners and employees about the financial, operational and environmental benefits of recycling more.

We’ll continually review your processes and evolving needs with you to ensure you always have the most efficient and effective systems in place.






It’s easy to start your effective Recycling and Business Improvement journey.


1.  We gain a better understanding of your needs

We find out a bit more about what is actually happening today.

Together we review your equipment and services that are already in place, discuss what is working well, areas for improvement and further focus, as well as any specific goals that you or your organisation may have set.

This usually involves us visiting your business as we get to see everything first hand and that usually gets the best results. Our basic review typically produces immediate savings for your business.

This may involve visiting your business to get to see everything first hand, which can assist in getting the best results. A basic review can typically produces immediate savings for your business.

2.  We develop and implement solutions for you

Once an initial review is completed, we can design, develop and introduce new and often innovative ways to manage waste and recycling more effectively, which may include a few options for consideration.

Our solutions produce long lasting benefits, including permanent reductions in waste costs, minimising annual increases and reducing labour. Improving recycling systems can also introduce new revenue streams to your business.

We project manage the implementation process for you as part of our end to end solution. This allows you to focus on your core business, whilst we take care of our specialty.

For larger and more complex businesses we are also able to offer a formal Business Improvement Review, Project Management and Ongoing Review Process.

3.  Review and refine

Improvements to your recycling and waste management program can deliver many advantages, including operational, financial and sustainable benefits as well as enhanced employee and even community engagement.

It is to continue to monitor, review and refine your recycling and waste management program to ensure that all the good work completed is maintained and you will continue to maximise your recycling recovery, reduce your overall expenditure, as well as adapt to changing requirements as they may occur in the future.

We like to continue to play a role in this last stage to provide support, encouragement and scrutiny that is sometimes required.

Alternatively we can simply provide you with a recommended review framework to conduct internally and then be available in a support capacity as and when required.



Arrange your free initial consultation and take the first step towards improving the way your business manages waste.