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Horizontal Balers

A comprehensive range of fully automatic and semi-automatic operated horizontal balers, designed and manufactured by Sacria Industries, our European partner.

Horizontal balers are ideal for medium to larger sizes of businesses producing high volumes of waste and recyclable materials.

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CHF 25

The CHF 25 is a compact closed door semi-automatic horizontal baler and ideal for businesses who may need to process relatively small volumes and/or a variety of different waste types into tightly compressed bales.


The Horizontal Baler CHF 25 is a compact semi-automatic horizontal baling press that is capable of baling a diverse range of recyclable materials, including paper, cardboard, plastic film and beverage containers.

With its closed door design it is ideal for businesses that need to process a variety of different waste types into tightly compressed bales, particularly those lighter weight materials.

The loading setup options include all the regular loading options including: hand-load, hydraulic bin lifter, conveyor and air conveyor as common examples.



A great investment for your business, offering financial, operational and environmental benefits for your business. A few more examples are as follows:

  • Semi-automatic operation
  •  Manual tie
  • Closed door for enhanced compaction
  • Large hopper and opening
  • High compaction force producing a dense bale
  • Easy to use controls,
  • Develop a long term sustainable revenue stream for your business
  • Easily processes a range of materials, including: cardboard, paper, plastic film and beverage containers
  • Suits a range of different Industries, including: Industry, Manufacturing, Print, Recycling Facility, Material Recovery Facility
  • Ideal for processing recyclable volumes and fed continuously by either: hand, bin lifter, conveyor or mobile equipment.

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