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Recycling Frame & Bags

A low-cost solution to help solve your plastic waste problems.

Easily and efficiently collect and store used plastic film for recycling, reducing landfill volumes, waste costs and also opening a potential new revenue stream for your business.

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Box of 1 x Recycling Frame (Orange)


The Recycling Frames make it simple and easy to separate your recyclable products at the source, making it easy and avoiding potential for contamination.

Recycling Frame – Features and Benefits

  • Our frames are beautifully designed, lightweight and easy-to-erect.
  • The frames are available in either orange (industry colour for plastic recycling) or silver.
  • Our frames are supplied in cartons, which are easy to transport, store and access when required.
  • Each frame comes in 4 pieces, including a base, a top and two (2) uprights which are able to be put together quickly and easily.
  • Simply line the frame with a clear plastic bag supplied by Durogreen, and tie the bag off when full. Full bags are then easy to store or compact.
  • Reduce waste collection costs and increase recycling. Businesses that generate large volumes of plastic recycling may be eligible for rebates.
  • Suitable for any business generating clear plastic film waste and creates the opportunity to save this resource for recycling.

Recycling Frame Dimension - Orange
Recycling Frame Specifications

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